Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) | Mika |

Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

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Testo Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)

Big girl you are beautiful

Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
I said hey girl you are beautiful
Diet coke and a pizza please
Diet coke im on my knees
Screaming, big girl you are beautiful

You take your skinny girl
I feel like im gonna die
Coz a real woman needs a (real man has why)
You take your girl and multiply about four
Now a whole lot of woman needs a whole lot more

Get yourself to the butterfly lounge
Find yourself a big lady
Big boy come on around
And there be gonna do baby
No need to fantasize
Seen some worse in my (faces)
A water in the whole
With girls all around
Curves in the right places

big girl you are beautiful (x4)

Walks in to the room
Feels like a big balloon
I said hey girl you are beautiful
Diet coke and a pizza please
Diet coke im on my knees
Screaming, big girl you are beautiful

You take your girl and multiply about four
Now a whole lot of woman needs a whole lot more

(Repeat chorus)

big girl you are beautiful (x4)

(Repeat chorus)

big girl you are beautiful (x4)


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